stay and play awhile..

Monday, January 31, 2011

Oh, Cupcake!

My friend Kathryn and I spend the day together.  These are my favorite days.  We are both crazy about making things pretty and creating art.  We started lunch with Cupcake wine and it set the tone for the rest of our adventurous evening together.  I am still working on the collage we started and I can still smell cake.  

Take my hand if you know where I'm going to..

Found this pretty image here.  It reminds me of something I would say. 

(Image by Shaun)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I heart hearts.

Super cute,

and Valentines day is just around the corner!

This is how you make them!

(Image from Design*Sponge)


Cupcakes for breakfast!

(Image by Fifi Lapin)


I just saw some kids riding skateboards down my street.  You could tell she was nervous by the way she was clutching her bag.  They were holding hands.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Enjoying the day..

a new game

My roommate and I made up a game last night.
It's sort of like scrabble except you don't keep score and you can use foreign words and made up cultural references.
(like 'tweetat')  

Then you write a story with the words you made.

And it is totally acceptable to get  distracted and draw pictures..
We both won.

Music to my ears!

Over the past few weeks I've had the pleasure of collaborating with friends on music videos for some super talented musicians.  The first weekend I shot with  Ben and Chris bright and early on Saturday morning.  The boys were shooting an EPK for an up and coming artist named Freddy Washington.  We met up at 7am, coffees in hand, all groggy and quiet.  The boys set up as Freddy sat for make up and wardrobe.  The usual small talk circulated around the room, 'Where are you from? What brought you to California?' etc, until we were ready to start shooting. 

As Freddy warmed up a little, getting used to the new piano, the notes he played tapped into the room and the day slowly shifted.  He is one of those people who, immediately upon meeting, you want to be friends with.  He was sweet, soft spoken, and quick to flash a smile.  The whole time we were shooting he gave the same killer performance full of life and energy.  He kept us tapping our toes and bobbing with the beat and by the end of the day we were all singing along and smiling with him.  That morning couldn't have been more perfect.  He filled the streets with music and brought magic to the door.  

*"We are the City" by Freddy Washington will be released in late March/ early April
*EPK coming soon

The music video we did this past weekend was for a sultry indie band called This Can't End Well.  Lead singer and cellist Star St. Germain with violinist and glockenspieler (yes, I made the word up), Kristen Adam killed it with their song, "I'll Let You Watch".   Just like the voyeuristic title, the video is an intimate peek into a subtle and sexy, seduction.

  Innocent and haunting, the song grabs you right from the beginning and builds to reveal a powerful and torrid relationship between lovers.  Under the direction of Niko 'love' Sonnberger and Chad Michael Ward, all the girls totally nailed it.  I was super stoked to create our set, which wound up being an eclectic mix of quirky toys, old photos, and girly play things.  This was an amazing team to work with - I hope we get to play together again soon!

*Music Video for "I'll Let You Watch" by This Can't End Well coming soon

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here is a perfect example of how life is working right now.  Minutes after I posted "Inspired", my friend sent me this.

Image from unknown (but I'd love to get to know you!)


When you really need it, inspiration will shake itself right out of you.  Recently I had been feeling not so inspired but over the past few days I've found I can't do enough! Between floral arrangements, collages, building chandeliers, and just making super delicious food,  I still haven't managed to exhaust my creative juices.  My friend showed me this website and I just fell in love with assignment #63.  I decided to make my own.  I just started with one but am going to continue to create these little messages of encouragement for others.  Sometimes you need someone else to help you open your eyes.  I needed this kick. Keep it coming!!

Images by me

Home for the holiday's

So I've been a little MIA lately, getting back to the grind so to speak.  So far 2011 has had quite the impact - definitely a year of change.  That being said,  I wanted to put up a few images of my trip home as the love that exists in my family is one thing I can always rely on.  The whole time I was documenting my trip I think my family got a little weirded out by the images that interested me so much but the detail shots are the ones that remind me most of 'us'.  This is just a little collage of what being home is for me.  I could have added and added images of my fantastic family but there was no way the file would load.  I am so happy to share my family with you.  They are so unique and beautiful and funny and bright.  I am so lucky to be related to such a rad group of people.  xo - bis (big sis)

Images by me